Iskolai élet, versenyek és egyebek

We hope this greeting finds you all well. We cannot tell you how excited we are to see everyone's faces and get to work!!!

Lassan vége ennek a nyári időszaknak is. Megvolt az augusztusi nyelvvizsga, befejezzük a nyári intenzíveket, és már elkezdtük a szorgalmi időszak tervezését. Izgatottan várjuk, hogy hamarosan találkozzunk a nyári szünetet pihenéssel töltő diákjainkkal augusztus második felében. :)

Hello! Spring officially begins this week. For those of us who've been white-knuckling our way through winter, it can't arrive soon enough.

The air is chilly, and the skies are grey, but we can dress for the weather and power through! This week we kicked off with a lot of successful language exams. We also welcomed exchange students from the USA, Taiwan, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Canada. With a lot of other programmes and opportunities to explore, you have plenty...

We are having the oral exams today so the language school is buzzing again. We hope you all enjoyed a restful winter break. We look forward to an enriching winter term and we hope to see you soon!

So, as we edge ever closer to the end of the year, the shops are already full of seasonal goods, Christmas markets are springing up everywhere, people are starting to make plans for the festive season, and the temperature has plummeted in recent days, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
I hope you have all had a...

1. hely Last Year's Winners: Borsi Máté, Tóth-Gál Csongor, Kurucz Hunor

Társalgó és nyelvvizsgára gyakorló óráink létszáma nagy örömünkre betelt. De semmi gond, további jelentkezők esetén új időpontot fogunk egyeztetni.

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